Localizing the SDGs in the municipalities of Brazil

Posted by Local2030, September 28 2016 0 Local experience

This month marks the beginning of a partnership between the National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM) and the ART Initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to localize the SDGs in Brazil.


As part of the newly adopted global agenda, the SDGs are a set of 17 goals that unfold 169 targets, defining a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Local governments and other local governance stakeholders can play a leading role in their implementation and review.


This joint initiative intends to support and strengthen the role of Brazilian municipalities in the process, specifically in the definition of adequate accountability and monitoring systems. Among the activities to be carried out, is the development of a few guides, through a participatory process, which can become powerful tools to support the SDG localization process in Brazil, as well as in other neighboring countries.


Indeed, this joint initiative will also seek to support the exchange of knowledge and best practices with other countries of the region, so that it may create a global alliance of local governance actors for the localization of the SDGs.

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