The second phase of the project Localizing the SDGs in Brazil was launched today

Posted by Local2030, May 23 2018 0 Local experience

The second phase of the project "Strengthening the role of municipalities for the localization, and specifically for monitoring and accountability systems of the SDGs at the local level", was presented today during an important event in Brasilia by the Coordinator of the project, Mr. Santiago Gallo. The launch took place in the framework of the XXI Marcha a Brasilia - in Defense of Municipalities, event organized by National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM) from the 21th until the 24th of May 2018.  

In this occasion it was also launched the e-learning course, an initiative of the project to help the municipalities to develop essential skills to implement the SDGs in their territories. The course will start in June 2018 and 130 brazilian municipalities as well as representatives from Cabo Verde and Mozambique have already declared their interest in participating.

Since its launch in 2016, the joint project of UNDP ART and CNM, has focused on raising awareness and empowering a large number of Brazilian municipalities and local actors in the localizing of the SDGs process.

The project has also contributed to global sustainable development debates by sharing the Brazilian experience on the local implementation of the SDGs with other countries through the exchange of best practices and the promotion of the guidelines that can also be found on this platform, such as: 1) Guide to the Localization of the SDGs in Brazilian Municipalities; 2) Guide to the Integration of SDGs in Brazilian Municipalities; and 3) the Municipal Performance Mandala for Local Indicators.

Due to the positive results, CNM and UNDP ART have agreed to extend their engagement to a second phase in order to continue strengthening the role of local governments in SDG localization in Brazil and further its scope to reach other Latin America countries.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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