Four Ways Cities are Localizing the SDGs in North America

Posted by Jennifer Temmer, IISD March 16 2018 0 Perspectives

What do Hawaii, Kelowna, Baltimore and Winnipeg have in common?


Not much, you might think. But actually, each of these places is working in their own way on a system to track how well their citizens are doing against specific indicators.

Using indicators to track progress is an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are part of an international framework agreed by world leaders in 2015, aiming to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change.

The SDGs recognize that sustainability is a universal goal and that all countries and communities can play an important role in achieving this agenda.   

IISD recently sat down with four representatives from initiatives who want to localize the SDGs in their communities in North America. We wanted to understand how the SDGs can be used at a local level, how these initiatives have moved forward, what impacts have been seen, and if these communities had advice for others who want to integrate the SDGs into their local planning and sustainability work.

You can read more and listen to a recording of the conversations here.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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