Gender priorities are part of the domestic and cooperation policies of Spanish regions

Posted by Local2030, June 29 2018 0 Perspectives

In the framework of the European Development Days 2018 (EDDs) , organized by the European Commission in June of this year, the directors of the international development cooperation agencies of the regions of Andalusia and Extremadura (Spain) explained how the priorities of gender are being integrated into their internal policies and international cooperation.

Néstor Fernández Rodríguez, the director of the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation, highlighted how his region uses the global perspective facilitated by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to guide policy within and outside its community. This allows us to work with the gender priority transversally and horizontally, integrating and directing all the actions and projects carried out.

Likewise, Ángel Calle, the director of the Extremadura Agency for International Development Cooperation (AEXCID), stressed that the 2030 Agenda is a powerful tool that allows for the coherence of public policies carried out within and outside its region. And in this context, the genre plays a leading role, since it is part of the identity of Extremadura and its population. In his opinion, it would be inconsistent to analyze the unequal relations abroad if they did not work in this area also in their territory. To this end, the director of AEXCID mentioned, as an example, an approved decree in Extremadura to ensure that all the public administration bodies of the Board are equal.

You can see below the full interview on how the gender approach can determine the development policies of both vertical and horizontal optics.

The video was originally published by UN SDG Action Campaign, United Nations Brussels, Spotlight Initiative

# ACT4SDGs | #SDGs # EDD18 | #SDGstudio

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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