Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN calls for the scale-up of localizing the SDGs

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat December 12 2017 0 Perspectives

In Hangzhou (China) on 7 December 2017, at the occasion of UCLG World Council, H.E. Ms. Amina Mohamed, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, wished to send a message of support the action of local leaders to advance the implementation of the SDGs




" UCLG helps to bring the critical and diverse voices of Mayors, Governors and municipal leaders into the work of the United Nations. And you have made an enormous difference, from women’s empowerment, climate action to local economic development.

Today I would like to focus on scaling up your work in two priority areas: localizing the SDGs and leaving no one behind (...)

Cities and states are beginning to pass new urban policies, advance on investment plans aligned to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. I count on you as leaders on the front line to step up this work on local level implementation. (...)

As the world leading local leaders, you can ensure that the SDGs come alive on the streets and are owned by individuals, families and communities."


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