Launch of the second ODS localization learning module within the framework of the Mercocities Summit

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat December 12 2017 0 Perspectives

Within the framework of the Mercocities Summit , in Córdoba, Argentina, the Latin American network Mercociudades together with CGLU Learning coordinated a Training Workshop for ODS Localization and alignment .

The 20 leading participants with technical profiles of planning departments, environment, international relations, economy, and other thematic networks of Mercocities and other international associations such as FLACMA (Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Local Governments), Metropolis , UCCI ( Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities), Project ALLAS (Euro-Latin American Alliance of Cooperation between cities), as well as a representative of the Argentine government worked for a full day at the Academy of Sciences in the location and alignment module.

Among diverse participatory methodologies that helped to know the tools of alignment, the trainers Rodrigo Corradi (Porto Alegre), Agusti de Losada (module consultant), Santiago Gallo (CNM / FLACMA), and Sara Hoeflich (UCLG) provided knowledge and methodologies for align the SDGs at the local and regional levels.

In addition to the practical application of the guide, which counts, as well as the first module with tools, presentations, videos and hand-outs, several group exercises were applied to understand and apply good practices in the implementation of ODS.

There were also spaces to share expectations, challenges and experiences to overcome obstacles, and in particular to make more precise the coordination with governments and the identification of actors. Also to identify strategic steps that allow to see needs in different contexts, and thus prioritize and make programs that better plan and monitor local agendas using global goals and indicators.

Aligning the SDGs with city strategies

Due to this strategic planning, the alignment of the SDGs can be improved with a multi-actor and multi-governance agenda, which ensures a permanent international perspective.

Thanks to the experiences and exchanges of the participants, several cities will address activities of alignment, awareness and dissemination of what has been learned through good practices. In particular, several cities active in the thematic group of Mercocities of strategic planning are interested in piloting the alignment, becoming an urban base of continuous learning so that the networks can be better connected and support the exchange of experiences and processes in real time.

For more information : See news "Workshop in Córdoba advances in the location of the SDGs " Mercociudades noticia

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)