A pledge for Liverpool

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN March 5 2022 0 Hubs

Businesses across Liverpool City Region are being asked to pledge in a new zero-carbon campaign, 2030zero.

2030zero is helping and supporting the region’s businesses to begin their journey to net zero, with advice, resources, events, peer-to-peer support and promotion. The campaign is being championed by Liverpool Local2030hub and Ethos magazine, as a pledge for Liverpool. It’s inclusive, accessible and supportive. 

Businesses are being asked to pledge that:

“We acknowledge that climate change is a critical threat to the local economy, nature and society-at-large, our company commits to take action immediately in order to:

  • Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
  • Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
  • Disclose our progress on a yearly basis"


Despite the urgency demanded by the climate emergency committing to a net zero pledge can be a scary undertaking. By making the pledge, at whatever stage businesses are at in this journey, or indeed before they have started, they will join a community of other businesses in the city who are also at various stages of the journey. This community is pledging to collaborate to meet the targets, to sharing ideas and innovation, committing to transparency to finding local suppliers and partner opportunities and to sharing the pledge with their stakeholders, suppliers and communities.

The Liverpool Local2030hub and Ethos magazine are partnering with local business to support one another as a community to achieve the goal.

Learn more about the launch of the pledge here and get inspired by this valuable initiative here.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)