Global Goals Municipality Campaign in the Netherlands

Posted by Fabienne Perucca, UN-Habitat October 12 2017 0 Local experience

VNG International launched a campaign revolving around the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The Global Goals Municipality Campaign: Gemeenten4GlobalGoals

A central conviction within the campaign is that local governments are key agents in the new development agenda. A number of goals, such as Goal 11 (sustainable cities) and 16 (effective, accountable and inclusive institutions) to name just two, are of particular relevance to municipalities as they occupy a central position within the everyday practices of municipalities. However, all of the goals are – to a certain extent- local goals, which means that local governments can contribute to each and every one of them.

The Global Goals Municipality Campaign is dedicated to raise awareness for the Global Goals and aims to inspire and mobilize Dutch municipalities in the achievement of the goals. VNG International offers assistance and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and best practices between municipalities.

Local governments can engage and connect different local stakeholders to ensure inclusive  and joint local action in the achievement of the Global Goals. The campaign supports municipalities to create an enabling and vibrant environment in which active citizens, businesses, volunteers, etc. are able to find and inspire each other and start local partnerships for sustainable development and international cooperation.


Please visit the web page:

Check out the call to become a Global Goals municipality

Follow on Twitter: @G4GlobalGoals

Or contact by e-mail: Maria van der Harst

More information can also be found on the collective website:

Various kinds of Global Goals initiatives can be shared and found on the online platform: SDG Gateway

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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