A Platform for Sustainable Harmony: The Give First Initiative

Posted by Patrick Glenn, Give First Initiative March 18 2017 0

Dear Government officials, NGOs, CEOs, employees, volunteers, SME owners, non-profits, individuals of all nations, today I want to introduce to you the give first initiative.

When the UN established the sustainable development goals in 2015, they were being undeniably ambitious and courageous. I say this being aware that everyone involved in the SDGs initiation was aware of the gigantuous hurdles that would follow. In order to resolve the suggested issues that have plagued humanity for millennia within 15 years, we must all together explore the answer one question: How will we unite? That is to say, how can such a diverse pallet of nations, cultures, religions… identities be brought securely under the same umbrella?

For this end, allow me to explain to you the efforts of a few young visionaries once building an online community of entrepreneurs surrounding the free small business software loyverse POS who are now taking their vision, like the UN, to a new degree of intensity. First they were providing free software for SMEs globally, supporting economic growth at the lowest levels of the developed and developing world. Now this has grown to the establishment of an entire ecosystem of anyone first looking to serve their community. The Give First Initiative project is designed as a platform for such initiators to collaborate, forming an alliance of like-minded entrepreneurs, NGOs, companies and Govmt. Organizations substantializing the mindset of providing before seeking personal gain. One such example is the turn-around café in Detroit instigating business with a sincere passion to ignite a brighter future for their community’s convicted youth.

The GFI team welcomes your collaboration in forming an online and offline ecosystem together with those carrying the desire to cultivate a shared vision of giving at all levels of society. We are beginning as a group of small business men and women with the heart to create a “Global Platform for True giving” reaching out to the world.

The localizing the SDGs page is an exciting place to be, seeing crowds cooperating to tackle the issues in concern head-on. The core question here has to be more than ever “how can these efforts sustain a legacy?”. The drive stimulating unity should be just as strong, if not leading the platform for development itself. That’s one reason the stories, tools and lessons shared on this page are heart warming. It’s very beautiful to see, and I’m honoured to be observing the growth towards our shared goals. In sincerely believing that we can attain the SDGs and more before 2030, we must live with a sense of urgency knowing that there is much more to be done.

At the Give First Initiative, we pledge to directly support this momentous progression through the establishment of an active and alive network with its root in creating sustainable development based on the act of sharing. In line with this, I welcome all e-mails to patrick@givefirstinitiative.org to hear your feedback and recommendations the development of this project.

Growth will only come when we have shared roots entrenched in our innermost human nature. First comes the thought, second the inspiration and third the action. Having sincere desire to share projects and visions regardless of race, nationality or religion creates a tremendous framework for energetic activity through which we can make concrete result to create a truly sustainable future. Everyone has the power to connect, co-create and share to tear apart the various blockages that stand in the way of innovation, rapid change and an affluent diversity. Myriad areas of study, research and implementation are now progressing at an unprecedented rate. More than the knowledge we gain however is the value generated when it is shared for the public good. This is the core intention of the global network we are stimulating through the Give First Initiative.

Reading into just two of the SDGs, in declaring the total eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, a statement is being made that there is no one who should be left out of the human family. As seen in the works of the CynteQ Kids Code Camp teaching programming to rural communities around Nairobi, and the UP communities project initiated by AWTAD to support Egyptian entrepreneurs, this scale of progress has the potential to reach the newest baby born in the barren Aboriginal outback and the wisest elder of the deepest Amazonian tribe.

Reflecting back 15 years on ourselves, our families, communities and countries; they are not to a huge degree more united relative to the proportion of growth shown in the new targets of the UN. Thus in order to bring about lasting development, more than before we need to become an intertwined humanity displaying tremendously greater shared efforts based on our common human values. This remarkable vision of the UN demands direct engagement from leaders to those in the lowest positions in society.

Readers from around the world, respected members of one body of humanity, we stand at a great turning point in history. Your inherent value is the same as any human that has come before you, but there is one thing different now. That is the opportunity, finally, that you won’t be alone in your goals- whoever you are, wherever you are.

Patrick Glenn

Chief Editor at Loyverse

Co-founder of Give First Initiative


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