Bilbao Hosts Reception Welcoming the Local2030 Coalition and UN Directors

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN February 7 2025 0 Perspectives

On 6 February 2025, the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat, alongside Directors from 14 United Nations entities, was honored at a reception hosted by the Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, at Bilbao City Council in Bilbao, Spain 

The Mayor of Bilbao emphasized the critical role of localization in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), highlighting the city of Bilbao’s commitment to sustainable development and its efforts to adapt the global goals to local realities as well as to bring local transformative solutions to the global level. He noted that Bilbao has undergone a significant transformation, rebuilding its foundations and achieving remarkable progress. However, he stressed that the pursuit of sustainable development is an ongoing journey. To ensure lasting impact, the city must continuously reassess the evolving needs of its citizens, striving to serve them effectively and equitably.  

The mayor expressed pride in Bilbao being selected as the host city for the Secretariat, recognizing it as a reflection of the city’s dedication to driving transformative change at the local level, based on democratic values and citizens participation. 

The reception underscored the growing momentum of the Coalition’s work, driven by the support of the Basque institutions and the city of Bilbao, as well as by the collective efforts of UN entities to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  

Speaking on behalf of the Local2030 Coalition, Raf Tuts, Director of the Global Solutions Division at UN-Habitat and Co-Chair of the Coalition, expressed deep gratitude for the support provided by the city of Bilbao and various levels of government in Spain. “We are extremely happy to be here. We are very grateful for your support and for the support of different levels of government in Spain to this endeavor,” Tuts said. He reaffirmed the Coalition’s mission, stating, “We are looking forward to uplifting the whole UN system and the Member States to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.” 

This reception highlighted the strong partnership between the Local2030 Coalition and the city of Bilbao in advancing the 2030 Agenda. It also reaffirmed the vital role that local governments play in shaping global progress through localized, community-driven actions. 


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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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