In Mâcon (France), from the heat network to the global energy strategy

Posted by Jean-Sébastien SAUVOUREL, Villes de France June 29 2017 0 Local experience

The town of Mâcon (33,500 inhabitants, Saône-et-Loire, France) has set up a heating network associated with the construction of one of the most powerful biomass boilers in the Burgundy - France-Comté region. This network, which is 16.6 km long after extension, provides heating and domestic hot water for social housing, communal buildings, health facilities, school groups, etc. The city has also set up a program of General Interest (PIG). It is an aid (grants) to landlords with modest incomes and lessors, who wish to carry out work in their housing. These local initiatives are fully in line with the "Sustainable Development Goals" , in particular Objective 7: "Affordable clean energy" , Goal 11: "Sustainable Cities and Communities" , Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production " , and above all Objective 13: " Combating Climate Change " .

The aim of the city is to create a real collective awareness of the need to change production and consumption behavior, in particular energy, and to act to combat climate change. Among the city's exemplary achievements in the overall energy performance strategy:

  • The installation of a heating network and the construction of a biomass heating plant: power supply to the Vert-Bois and Gigny districts in centralized heat and distributed through a virtuous district heating network. Heat produced 80% by wood; Reduction of the energy bill; More than 13,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year (equivalent to emissions of 4,000 vehicles). Over time, more than 6,350 units will benefit;
  • Multiplication of school awareness-raising activities: visits, film, exchanges, passage of the "Science Tour bus" itinerant animation, educational and fun on the theme of climate, organization of workshops;
  • Renovation of the buildings by the "Project of General Interest": thirteen new housing units are brought into compliance with the RT2012 standard and inaugurated by the DPO, with a strong improvement in the energy performance of the building and the use of renewable energies for the Production of heating and domestic hot water;
  • Note also, the projection of the film "Demain" integrating a participative approach of the communal collaborators. This documentary presents concrete solutions and initiatives that can be transposed to the community.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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