Liverpool City Region To Rebuild Visitor Economy With Sustainability At Core

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN April 1 2022 0 Hubs

Marketing Liverpool and 2030hub have announced a new event to kickstart the sustainable rebuilding of Liverpool's visitor economy.

The first in a series of awareness-raising and fact-finding events takes place on April 4th at the iconic ACC Liverpool on the banks of the River Mersey, and also seeks to create a new Sustainable Visitor Economy Working Group.

Speakers from 2030hub, Marketing Liverpool, ACC Liverpool and local visitor economy businesses will share their challenges, hopes and good practice in a real world setting, and followed by informal networking across at the Royal Albert Dock.

As with all 2030hub projects the Sustainable Development Goals will be a key framework to guide both Liverpool City Region impacts but also better re-connecting the city to more international impact collaborators.

Following the recent Good Business Festival in the city this event serves as an early legacy development to further fuel interest and support the increasing demand for local businesses to better improve the local and global impacts.

The story was originally posted here.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)