Become an SDG Pioneer 2017

Posted by Local2030, May 22 2017 0 Perspectives

The UN Global Compact launches a call for nominations for the SDG Pioneers 2017 edition. Individuals engaged with achieving SDGs while pursuing business success are encouraged to participate and champion global goals as a local business.

The SDG Pioneers will be selected by a multi-stakeholder group, comprised by representatives of the Local Network Advisory group, UN Agencies, PRME Champions and civil society. The 10 selected people will be recognized at the Leader's Summit to be held on September 2017 at New York.

To participate, individuals should work either directly or indirectly at one of the 9000 companies and 4000 non-businesses UN Global Compact Signatory Companies (see list). In case the company is not registered yet, they should first send their application to join the network before May 26th to enable their employees to be nominated.  

To be an SDG pioneer, individuals can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. The online application form requires a brief explanation on why the nominee should be considered a Pioneer. The deadline is on May 26th.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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