Ecuador rewards the best ideas to spread the ODS

Posted by Local2030, May 18 2017 0 Local experience

In a joint action, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (AEI) and the Economic Promotion Agency ConQuito launched a call in December 2016 to learn about projects that will help promote And disseminate the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) in Ecuador. According to the Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP in Ecuador, Nuno Queiros, the initiative was born from the idea that many more actors should be involved in locating and disseminating ODS, so they decided to appeal to the creativity of students for this task.

After reviewing the six finalist proposals, the jury qualified based on the criteria of: focus, value added, technical development, implementation potential, innovation and presentation. Finally, he chose the Mayancuna and Acción por el Mundo projects, which coincide in being aimed at children and having a didactic approach.

Mayancuna, which means "together" in Quichua, is a project that already has experience in the production of books for children about Amazonian legends and that will now prepare a set of 68 letters to promote the didactic learning of ODS. For its part, Acción por el Mundo presented an album of cards and an illustrative cube to sensitize children to the new concepts of sustainable human development based on the 17 ODS.

With this award, the winning projects will receive funding from UNDP for implementation, as well as quotas for the Empretec Workshop and three months of incubation at Coworking by ConQuito.

The implementation of ODS requires strategic alliances and the involvement of all the actors for their location. Through this award, it was possible to know proposals that allow to communicate Agenda 2030 in an innovative, efficient and adapted to the cultural realities of Ecuador.

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