Thus co-we create in Medellin

Posted by Local2030, February 13 2017 0 Local experience

The talent is scattered and out of organizational and governmental boundaries. Through social technologies can integrate and focus towards sustainable transformation of the region and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Faced with this challenge, it has emerged Mimedellín , a platform for Citizen Co-creation, led by the Corporation Route Medellin, where ideas and inspiration from all part of the transformation of the city of Medellin.

This program aims to: facilitate the decision of the Administration for the implementation of city projects through mechanisms of participation, innovation and mass collaboration; increase transparency in the allocation of resources Public Administration; and visualize the priority situations in the city. The initiative is promoting the development of solutions to problems by citizens, youth and students in their majority. 17,868 ideas were already registered; 21,679 people have contributed to the transformation of the city.

MiMedellín recognizes and formulates priority issues that need ideas of citizens for their successful implementation. So, four times a year, regularly publishes MiMedellin issues each season. Citizens of Medellin and the world are invited to participate in the formulation of new ideas and projects that respond to each of the threads. Through social technologies, citizens have the ability to vote, filter, and share the ideas of others while at the same time earn points to become civic leaders co-creation. The authors and the most voted ideas will be identified and publicly recognized at the end of each of the seasons. The finalist ideas will be taken into account by those responsible for implementing projects that will transform the city of Medellin.

Under this scheme, it was proposed: How to improve air quality in Medellin? After co-create with the public for a month and more than 200 ideas for improving air quality in the city, selected the 6 best and launched a new challenge, together, choose the winning idea. Finally, the winner was the proposal Lorena Cardona "Increasing public green areas of the city through the collective construction of 'green parks' or gardens made with recycled materials to improve the environment while conditions conducive to recreation spaces , leisure and living for citizens. "

The awards ceremony was held under the global forum of low carbon cities. He had the physical participation of the finalists, all shared their ideas with the public and met the proposals currently being developed by the city from the Ministry of Environment. The objective was to connect the ideas of citizens with the proposals of the city, aiming to shared viable solutions become a reality.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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