UN Directors Convene in Bilbao to Strengthen Local Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN February 5 2025 0 Perspectives

On 5-6 February, Directors from 14 United Nations entities are gathering in Bilbao, Spain, for the second retreat of the Directors Group of the United Nations Local2030 Coalition.

Ahead of this strategic meeting, on 4 February, a UN delegation—including representatives from UN-Habitat, UN Development Programme, UN Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UN Development Coordination Office, UN Economic Commission for Africa, the Joint SDG Fund and Local2030 Coalition Secretariat—met with Imanol Pradales, Lehendakari of the Basque Government. The delegation acknowledged the Basque Country’s leadership in implementing the SDGs at the local level and expressed appreciation for its commitment to sustainable and inclusive growth that leaves no one behind.

During the meeting, the Basque Country´s commitment and contribution to the UN’s global priorities, particularly the Pact for the Future, was recognized. With a shared commitment to sustainable development, both parties emphasized the importance of the Local 2030 Coalition in strengthening local actions and ensuring the active participation of local and regional governments. The UN entities highlighted the central role of the Coalition in catalyzing UN system-wide efforts to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Lehendakari recognized that the United Nations is the Basque Country’s best partner in advancing these objectives, particularly through initiatives like the Local2030 Coalition. As a champion of the SDGs, the Basque Country serves as a model of successful implementation, working hand-in-hand with academia, research centers, the private sector and all levels of government. With a strong commitment to the SDGs, the proposal for the creation of a Local2030 Hub in Euskadi was emphasized as an innovative platform to strengthen democracy, local values and a sense of community. This partnership could open a variety of opportunities for global networking, knowledge exchange and collaborative solutions to challenges at the local level.

According to the Lehendakari, the Basque Country counts on the support of the Local2030 Coalition to inspire, connect and work alongside others to ensure that local voices are heard and actively shape the future of global governance, making a real difference in achieving the SDGs.

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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