G20 PLIC: Platform on SDG Localization and Intermediary Cities

Posted by Local2030 Coalition, UN August 29 2023 0 Local experience

The G20 PLIC Annual Report offers a platform for local governments to make written contributions, in the form of features, Op-Eds or portraits. Through penning a contribution to the Annual Report, local governments can share their experiences, innovative approaches and challenges intermediary cities face with localising the SDGs. The Annual Report directly informs the G20 PLIC Annual High-level Meeting, which gathers G20 Development Working Group (DWG) member countries, intermediary city governments and a broader audience from international organisations and development partners, working in and with intermediary cities in developing countries.

The G20 PLIC Annual Report is one of the activities carried out under the G20 PLIC umbrella by its supporting organisations, the OECD and UN-HABITAT.

What will PLIC achieve?

  • Make intermediary cities a catalyst for development.
  • Develop shared principles
  • Understand socio-economic dynamics of intermediary cities.
  • Frame an updated development narrative that acknowledges their potential contribution to development.



The following guidelines can help to structure your piece around the thesis, evidence, relevance, and future trends:

  1. a) THESIS

A forceful, succinct and provocative topic sentence to convey your one thesis to be developed in the paragraphs to follow:

not an advertisement or advocacy for what you/your organization are doing, but rather a well-defined storyline with a robust narrative

identifies a problem/challenge and a proposal for addressing it, posing one key question that will be clearly answered in the post

  1. b) EVIDENCE

Include “killer facts” or striking data/evidence to support your thesis.

Personalize your story in terms of country, community or individual person or organization


Answer the “so what” question? Why should the reader care about your thesis?

Indicate why the issue is timely and relevant:
Why now?
How does your post relate to a news “hook”? (Example: The global community is gathering in New York this week to talk about Sustainable Development)

  1. d) FUTURE

Can you offer foresight or visioning statements on where your thesis in heading?

What is one further thought-provoking question you would leave with/propose to the reader to continue the dialogue that reasserts your thesis but also opens it up to ongoing debate?


Please limit your piece to 500 to 1000 words. Shorter is better and preferred.

Include your name and title as you would like them to appear.

Include a high-quality JPEG of ONE of the following:
(i) your professional photograph as the author or
(ii) an image related to your article’s subject.


IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT BY NO LATER THAN 8 September 2023 the following focal points:

The article was originally published here.

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