Defining, agreeing and contrasting the basis of a White Paper on Democracy and Citizenship for Euskadi

Posted by Local2030, January 27 2017 0 Local experience

The Basque Government since 2013 has promoted a process to define, agree and contrast the basis for a White Paper on Democracy and Citizenship for Euskadi, developed collaboratively and adapted to the Basque applicable, conceptual and practical reality at once, committed citizens and create a "network" of agents and best practices.

A White Paper on Democracy and Citizen Participation in Euskadi is an improvement in governance and in the governance of the country, a reformulation and democratization of relations between the authorities and society, and defining and promoting processes to instrumentalize channels for dialogue and mediation processes.

For its preparation we started from scratch, from a book "blank", through a co-creative process which has intervened anyone interested in this topic, with the team's initial work, composed of the Office of Open Government, the Coordination Directorate, both belonging to Lehendakaritza, the Directorate of Citizen Attention and Innovation and Improvement of Administration, the Department of Public and Justice Administration and alongside the promoter team that developed the participatory process, Innobasque-Agency Vasca of innovation, as an entity to which commissioned the revitalization of the construction process of the White Paper and the drafting of the conclusions that can be found on this page .

Watch the video to learn more about this experience:

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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
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