The very first Week of the Sustainable Municipality: more than 80 Flemish municipalities participate!

Posted by Local2030, September 21 2018 0 Local experience

More than 80 Flemish municipalities put their Sustainable Heroes in the spotlight during the 'Week of the Sustainable Municipality', from 18 to 25 September. Get to know all heroes on!

On 25 September 2018, the whole world celebrates the third anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Agenda 2030: a long-term agenda with 17 objectives that should make the earth a more sustainable place by 2030.

No less than 81 Flemish cities and municipalities celebrate that anniversary for a whole week: From 18 to 25 September, they will issue the SDG flag and put their own 'Sustainable Heroes' in the spotlight. These heroes are citizens, schools, organizations, companies or other groups who are engaged in sustainable development in their own way. They become the local faces of the 17 global goals.

The municipalities of Aalst, Aarschot, Anzegem, As, Balen, Beerse, Berlaar, Bierbeek, Bilzen, Boom, Buggenhout, Diksmuide, Edegem, Essen, Etterbeek, Evergem, De Pinte, Kontich, Geel, Genk, Ghent, Glabbeek, Grobbendonk, Haacht , Halle, Harelbeke, Herentals, Herenthout, Herzele, Heusden-Zolder, Hoeilaart, Hoeselt, Hoogstraten, Houthulst, Kalmthout, Kapellen, Kasterlee, Courtrai, Landen, Langemark-Poelkapelle, Leopoldsburg, Lommel, Lubbeek, Lummen, Maldegem, Malle, Mechelen , Meeuwen-Gruitrode, Merelbeke, Middelkerke, Mortsel, Nazareth, Nijlen, Oostkamp, ​​Opglabbeek, Oud-Turnhout, Putte, Ranst, Roeselare, Schelle, Schilde, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Sint-Niklaas, Sint -Truiden, Temse, Tielt, Tienen, Torhout, Turnhout, Vilvoorde, Vosselaar, Westerlo, Wevelgem, Willebroek, Zelzate, Zemst, Zoersel, Zonhoven, Zulte and Zwalm signed up and during the campaign week from 18 to 25 September they will to put heroes in the spotlight! From 8 September you can get to know all heroes on

❓ Do you have a question about the campaign? Contact Heleen Voeten of the International service of VVSG via or 02 / 211.56.14.

The Week of the Sustainable Municipality is an initiative of the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, with the support of the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development, of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the federal government and of the Flemish Government.

The news was originally published on the VVSG website here.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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