Valencia, the Basque Country and Jalisco awarded with the II Regional Best Practices Award

Posted by Local2030, January 10 2018 0 Local experience

November 27-28, ORU Fogar’s Executive Bureau and General Assembly was held in the Basque Country , under the auspices of the Basque Government and its Lehendakarri Iñigo Urkullu.

Besides celebrating  10 years since the creation of ORU Fogar, the event was also the occasion to celebrate the Awards Ceremony of the II Regional Best Practices Award, jointly launched by ORU Fogar and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in January 2017. Addressed to intermediate governments (regions, provinces and federal states), the aim of the initiative was to promote, encourage and disseminate the public administrations processes, the implementation of which can help improve the citizen services.

Intermediate governments from different countries submitted their applications, and a team of renowned professionals from the academic, cultural and business worlds was responsible for selecting the best cases of policies successfully implemented.

 The five winning best practices were the following: 

  • Gestión del paciente que demanda asistencia en el día: consulta de enfermería de alta resolución (CEAR)”, submitted by the Basque Government (Spain).
  • Mide Jalisco”, submitted by the Government of the State of Jalisco (Mexico).
  • Carewell”, submitted by the Basque Government (Spain).
  • Despliegue de la compra pública verde en Euskadi”, submitted by the Basque Government (Spain).
  • Alianza de ciudades para el desarrollo sostenible”, submitted by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain). 


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ORU Fogar’s webpage


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