Strategic Plan City of Seville 2030

Posted by ESPERANZA CARO, Ayuntamiento de Sevilla September 20 2019 0 Perspectives

Given the new challenges we face globally from the city of Seville, we decided to promote a Strategic Plan. The Seville Strategic Plan is perfectly linked to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The strategic plan is the most valuable, most complex and plural document that a city can have. It is a document that transcends political times and acronyms. An instrument that unites institutions, social and economic agents, experts and citizens in general. An instrument that must be ambitious, and at the same time realistic. You should set clear guidelines, but at the same time you should always be open to debate.

A strategic plan is our shared roadmap as a city, the result of a calm and thorough analysis of our reality. Result of the dialogue and debate between the agents that we built Seville. This plan follows a second phase of specific projects.

The Strategic Plan of the city of Seville presents detailed sectoral studies that have been made public and shared, papers, strategic conferences, contributions, more than 300 people and debate.


Seville City Strategic Plan

Alignment of the Strategic Plan with the SDGs


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)