Local practices on the SDGs from 20 Flemish municipalities

Posted by Hanne Albers, VVSG vzw December 14 2017 0 Perspectives

In May 2017, VVSG kicked off a pilot project on localizing the SDGs. Together with 20 Flemish municipalities, we experiment in-depth with the possibilities of integrating the SDGs into local policy making. We work on three thracks: awareness raising, policy planning and politics.

One off the aspects we focus on is collecting good examples of how to raise awareness about the SDGs, both within the local government and towards the citizens. We will also translate these examples to English in the course of 2018. Further, we also publish concrete examples of how the Flemish municipalities already work on realizing the SDGs, with actions on for example combating poverty, health, responsible consumption and partnerships.

Every month, one SDG is discussed in the VVSG magazine 'Lokaal', which is sent to all local governments in Flanders. Here you can find the articles in Dutch and in English.

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1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
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