Social and Solidarity Economy to localize the SDGs: the maps of SocioEco

Posted by Françoise Wautiez, Ecosol/socioeco June 11 2018 0 Perspectives is a resource web site on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) which tries to present in one place the documents related to SSE in 5 main languages ​​(French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian) and less present other languages  (German, Catalan, Greek). Each language is independent with different documents, only some of which have translations.

On its way, has identified numerous grassroot initiatives that it decided to promote by creating a map, called the "map of solutions". The solutions are those put in place by the SSE to meet basic needs.

Subsequently,, at the request of RIPESS, has developed a mapping of public policies in favor of SSE. The documents describing these policies are accessible through the "Public Policies" folder, but we also thought it would be a good idea to add them on a map. Thus, we can visualize that in Barcelona, ​​for example, is being implemented the Impetus Plan for Social and Solidarity Economy 2016-2019 .... These policies are also classified by the needs they meet: health, housing, food...

It seemed interesting to us to reorganize this information, no longer by necessity, but in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This gives rise to two mappings:

  • The "SSE for Sustainable Development Goals" map shows that, for example, responsible consumption and CSA provide local and solidarity-based responses to the achievement of SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

With these tools, we hope to illustrate this SSE approach and to inspire and expand innovations and practices linked to the SDGs implementation on the basis of  the reading of these dozens of citizen and political initiatives that already exist around the world.


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Policy Dialogue | Capacity Building and Local Co-r(...)

1 Apr , Sevilla, Spain
Posted by Local2030 Coalition
Organized by Executive Committee, Local2030(...)