How the civil society is organized in Brazil for the location of the SDGs: charter, organizational model and form of work.

Posted by Santiago Martin, CNM August 13 2018 0 Perspectives

Charter of Principles and Organizational Model of the SDGs Brazil Network.


The SDGs Brazil Network is a supra-party collective (*) (**), which is based on Agenda 2030. Therefore, it defends:

  • Human Rights;
  • Equality (racial, generational, gender and sexual orientation) and social justice;
  • The applicability of the Legal Framework of State Laity;
  • Recognition of the rights of groups historically excluded from society;
  • Development that balances the economic, social and environmental spheres, valuing the practices and knowledge of Native People and Traditional Peoples and Communities;
  • The Democratic State of Law;
  • Strengthening of Participatory Democracy.

(*) Set of Public and Private Institutions, Civil Society Organizations, Social Movements, Native Peoples, Traditional Peoples and Communities, etc.

(**) Which is above partisan interests and ideologies.


The Millennium Declaration has promoted significant social progress worldwide by committing Heads of State to establish a global partnership to achieve 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particulalry the global challenge of halving hunger and extreme poverty.

In Brazil, starting in 2003, the achievement of the goals agreed with the UN became a management priority for the Federal Executive Branch.

The federal public policies guided by the Millennium Declaration have resulted, among others, in:

  • 36 million fewer people living in extreme poverty (Goal MDG 1);
  • The exit from the Hunger Map (Goal MDG 1);
  • The universalization of basic education, with 97.7% of children enrolled (Goal MDG 2);
  • The reduction in the formalization of employment between men and women, from 10% to 2% (Goal MDG 3);
  • The reduction of maternal mortality by 43% (Goal MDG 5);
  • The expansion of access to basic sanitation, with 85.5% of households having access to water (Goal MDG 7).

The expansion and strengthening of participative democracy in Brazil consolidated this period of advances and achievements, with the participation and engagement of different actors and social authors in various spheres of society.

Therefore, we want to:

  • Defend and expand the social achievements achieved since 2003, which ensured the country's success in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
  • Promote the democratization of Agenda 2030, through the production and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Promote the insertion of Agenda 2030 in the institutionalized spaces of social participation and in the instruments of government planning and management.
  • Promote participatory management and social control as tools for locating Agenda 2030.
  • Give visibility and support the actions developed by members of the SDGs Brazil Network, strengthening them.
  • Establish, expand and strengthen strategic partnerships among members of the SDGs Brazil Network, aiming to develop collaborative actions that contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030.
  • Qualify social actors aiming at the capillarity and sustainability of the collaborative actions that contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030.
  • Promote the construction of a convergence agenda among the members of the SDGs Brazil Network, guided by Agenda 2030.


The creation of a network that disseminates and promotes the Principles and Guidelines set out in this Charter. Thus, social participation contributes to the elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of public policies aligned with Agenda 2030, ensuring human, economic and social development, cultural and environmental sustainability of the country.


The main characteristic of the SDGs Brazil Network is self-management with shared leadership. This means that:

  • Its organizational structure is horizontal;
  • There is no hierarchy;
  • The model of participative democracy prevails over the model of representative democracy.


  • The institutions registered in the SDGs Brazil Network are grouped into Thematic Groups (TG) SDGs - Municipal, State and National - according to their area of expertise.
  • SDGs WGs are deliberative and independent decision-making bodies. Therefore, they have the autonomy to define their agendas, actions, division of tasks and Coordinators of TG.
  • Decisions are made by the majority of those attending the virtual or face-to-face meetings. With respect to parity, each institution shall have one vote.
  • Each SDG TG has 2 Coordinators.
  • The SDGs Brazil Network consists of the TG SDGs groups.
  • The Coordination Committee - Municipal and State - is composed of the TG Coordinators and meets periodically, to share the experiences and actions of the SDGs WGs. The National Articulation Commission is composed of 2 institutions from each state.

The SDGs Brazil Network values ​​the following principles: diversity (respects the plurality of opinions, favoring the participation of all the public and understanding the interdependence of each one); abundance (lets flow the wealth that each partner offers to the collective - contacts, material resources, knowledge, etc. - giving equal value to different types of wealth) and collective intelligence (recognizes the different talents, allowing each participant to be protagonist at some point ).


  • Participation is open to any Institution that is in accordance with the Charter of Principles and Organizational Model of the SDGs Brazil Network.
  • The completion of the Online Registration configures the acceptance of the Charter of Principles and Organizational Model of the SDGs Brazil Network.
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