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Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This Toolkit argues that the quality of urban governance can mean the difference between cities characterised by prosperity and inclusiveness and cities characterised by decline and social exclusion. It describes how increased transparency at the local level can help in combating urban poverty and enhancing civic engagement. Promoting transparency, through the application of a range of public education, public participation, e-governance, ethics and institutional reform instruments.

Related Publications

Manual of Development Strategy for Intermediate Cities (and Territories)

Available in English

It presents, in a structured form, all the information about the strategy of a city. From the point of view of the need for a local strategy, its components, the criteria to be defined and the methodo...

Developed by Alain Jordà, Experto en Desarrollo Local

Posted by Alain Jordà

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Towards a more participatory, open and transparent Euskadi

Available in English

This case study presents the process promoted by the Basque Government to develop a framework for action shared for different administrations, social partners and citizens, through the development of...

Developed by Eusko Jaurlaritza – Gobierno Vasco

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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