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Sustainable Development Goals: Are the rich countries ready?

Concept notes and papers

This study examines how high-income countries are currently performing in this regard: Are the rich countries holding up their end of the global deal on sustainable development? Are they doing their homework? It ought to be a fi rst systematic assessment of developed nations on what are likely to become the global policy goals for the coming 15 years. It is the fi rst “stress test” of rich countries for the SDGs and presents a new SDG Index to assess country performance on the goals. Moreover, the study highlights best practice in ways of achieving future SDGs. It provides a snapshot of evidence for the crucial UN summit and much further beyond.

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Local Economic Development Training Module

Available in English

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Posted by UCLG ASPAC

Tools : Capacity Strengthening

Getting Started with the SDGs in Cities

Available in English

Getting Started with the SDGs in Cities outlines how cities can get started with implementing the SDGs in cities and human settlements. The handbook provides general principles and processes that will...

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Guidance and systemization of experiences

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