Case studies and best practices
This Paper provides a thorough analysis of what has been done thus far in terms of mainstreaming migration at the local level, where the drivers and effects of migration are mostly felt, and allows for a stock-taking of functioning practices to paint a global picture of working processes. It analyses and compares different existing mainstreaming initiatives, synthetizing their main features, identifying good practices and key lessons and providing policy recommendations for a wide variety of stakeholders, including local and regional authorities. The process of integrating migration within policy design and planning, known as the “mainstreaming” process, is increasingly perceived as key in addressing issues related to migration as well as in building on all the opportunities associated with it. This process is based on the recognition of the wide range of policy areas that affect and are affected by migration, and on the subsequent building of coherence among policies and actors.
Available in English
This handbook on ‘Migration for Development: A bottom-up approach’ provides solid evidence for better planning and management of migration interventions, such as by assessing what works, under what co...
Developed by Joint Migration and Development Initiati...
Posted by Joanne Irvine
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
America is the world’s richest large economy, with the world’s leading technologies and institutions of higher learning. Yet, the United States of America (U.S.) is falling behind other countries on a...