Guidance and systemization of experiences
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Kenya and UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme have issued the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) on Circular Economy Solid Waste Management Approach for Urban Areas in Kenya. The NAMA promotes an alternative to the existing waste value chain. Instead of waste being collected for disposal only, the NAMA facilitates the diversion of 90 per cent of collected waste away from disposal sites and towards various recycling practices. The NAMA creates multiple links currently missing in the value chain: recycling points, where waste will be sorted for subsequent recycling; and composting facilities, for the organic waste treatment. The NAMA will also research and operationalize new recycling technologies as well as strengthen existing recycling industries. Successful pilot models have already been tested by small and medium sized companies in Nairobi. Finally, the NAMA aims to achieve additional sustainable development benefits, such as improved health and safety for people.
Available in English
This document presents the results of the process coordinated by ILPES, together with the governing bodies of the planning of the region. It is structured in eight chapters. In the first, the main ant...
Available in English
A situation assessment of seven Latin American and Caribbean countries has been carried out in terms of their situation regarding the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS), identifying the lines of...
Developed by Agencia Española de Cooperación Internac...
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Case studies and best practices