Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Español
Policy Coherence for Development is a key reference in international discussions on development cooperation discussions on development cooperation and aid reform. In this context, this report is a contribution to this debate from the perspective of a sub-state administrative level, as it is the case of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, based on a broad analysis of the issue and the presentation of some possible action lines.
Available in Español English
Local governments can structure their policy planning around the SDGs. The policy planning process gives perspective and sets priority lines at a local level for the coming policy term. But it also pr...
Developed by Association of Flemish Cities and Munici...
Posted by Hanne Albers
Tools : Strategies and Plans
Available in Español English
The UCLG Country Profiles provide an overview of sub-national governments, territorial organization, local responsibilities, central-local relations, and local financing in 82 countries.
Developed by Global Observatory on Local Democracy an...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Case studies and best practices