Businesses are a key player in the implementation of the SDO. Without replacing the States, they can contribute to their scale and based on their heart of business, the success of this agenda in 2030 leading to the emergence of a more inclusive and sustainable world. This guide is a real practical tool to the entire French business fabric. To achieve its goal of teaching with business leaders, he explains each of the 17 ODD, decrypts their stakes for companies, proposes concrete and operational courses of action, and is illustrated with real feedback. These are intended to be implemented throughout the entire chain of value of economic activities, and in partnership with relevant stakeholders. It can be downloaded free here: Enjoy!
Available in Français
The current report picks up where 'A Million Voices' left off, and looks in more depth at the factors within each country that will support or impede implementation. A set of Dialogues has been explor...
Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in Français
Policy Coherence for Development is a fundamental reference in international debates on development cooperation and aid reform. In this context, the report presented here is a contribution to this deb...
Developed by Gobierno Vasco- Eusko Jaurlaritza; Agenc...
Posted by Camila De
Guidance and systemization of experiences