Guidance and systemization of experiences
The Assembly of France - ADF - launched in June 2013, under the encouragement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the then Development, Pascal Canfin, a study on the international cooperation of authorities in the field economic and social inclusion. The skills of the French departments focus on cohesion and social solidarity at closer to citizens, together with the commitment of nearly three quarters of them in projects and European and international cooperation agreements, allowed to give both senses and body to such a thematic study approach, directly supported by a community association.
Available in Français
This report identifies 27 Nordic local authorities that are “first movers” in working with the 2030 Agenda and describes their priorities and activities. It also highlights challenges and success fact...
Available in Français
A research pilot that seeks to offer methods and analysis to aid in the implementation of the 2030 agenda whist also upholding those two characterising principles. • Interlinkages (Section 2) – This...
Developed by Stakeholder Forum; Bioregional; Newcastl...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers