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Having the Climate Conversation: Strategies for Local Governments.

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Having the Climate Conversation: Strategies for Local Governments will assist municipal staff with the imperative task of communicating an understanding of climate change and highlights what can be done to protect communities from the impacts of a changing climate.

Related Publications

Manual for Local Adaptation of the Sustainable Development Objectives

Available in English

The main objective of the Manual is to provide guidelines and methodological suggestions for local planning and management. It addresses issues related to institutional capacity building, as a key asp...

Developed by Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Polí...

Posted by Renata Codas

Tools : Strategies and Plans

Online Course: Livability in Future Cities

Available in English

Cities are becoming the predominant living and working environment of humanity, and for this reason, livability or quality of life in the city has become crucial. This urban planning course focuses...

Developed by ETH Zurich

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Capacity Strengthening

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