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ICLEI SDGs Briefing Sheets: 02 - Cities and the Sustainable Development Goals

Concept notes and papers , Available in Deutsch

Although they have been adopted by national governments, the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are fundamentally relevant to local and city level actors. This briefing sheet documents why cities and local governments are crucial for the successful implementation of the SDGs.

Related Publications

Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets

Available in English Deutsch

This report is a first step towards a uniform mechanism for business to report on their contribution to and impact on the SDGs in an effective and comparable way. It contains a list of existing and es...

Developed by Global Reporting Initiative and United N...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation

Equitable Economic Growth in your City

Available in English Deutsch

This toolkit is a diagnostic instrument. It is intended for use primarily by town and city administrations. Other users are likely to include policy analysts and researchers. The toolkit has been des...

Developed by Cities Alliance, UNOPS, IPE Triple Line

Posted by Peter Rene Hohmann

Tools : Diagnostics

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