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EU Regional Social Progress Index


The EU Regional Social Progress Index aims to measure social progress for each European Union region as a complement to traditional measures of economic progress. As it is intended to complement measures based on Gross domestic product (GDP), income or employment, it purposely leaves such indicators out of the index. It follows the overall framework of the global Social Progress Index and is based on fifty indicators, primarily from Eurostat. The Index is intended to help regions prioritise issues they want to address with their Cohesion Policy Programme. It can also serve as a sounding board for the European Commission to assess whether its programmes address the right issues in the right places. As a concrete way of understanding and prioritising a practical agenda to promote both social performance and economic growth it can contribute to improving the coordination of social investments of the various government ministries, social responsibility programs, and civil society initiatives. For more information:

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Tools : Development Cooperation Effectiveness

methodological elements for the elaboration of the report on the situation in sustainable development

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