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territorial projects of sustainable development and Local Agenda 21 Framework

Case studies and best practices

Section 28 of Agenda 21 adopted in Rio highlights the vital role played by territories and local communities in sustainable development. This article states: "It would have all local authorities establish a dialogue with residents, local organizations and private businesses to adopt Agenda 21 at the level of the community program. "Afi n to encourage communities to implement such steps on their territory, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2003-2008, has selected" to promote in five years the establishment of 500 local Agenda 21, including the territories receiving public assistance such as major urban projects, regional natural parks, groups of municipalities, countries or cities as part of territorial contracts. " The 2010-2013 national strategy for sustainable development plans to support the emergence 1000 Agenda 21. Although the objectives were achieved, many local authorities will need the support of the state to start their own territorial sustainable development project. It is in this sense that the development of future national strategy 2014-2020 work take into account the feedback from the actions developed by the pioneering local authorities. Thus France has committed internationally, to implement the principles of sustainable development. Nationally, the government wanted to accompany the territories in their voluntary initiatives, whether local Agenda 21 or other types of cross steps aimed sustainable development of a territory.

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