An online course (5 weeks) that introduces participants to key conceptual and practical aspects of sustainable development and Agenda 2030, while covering issues of means of implementation, localization of the agenda, and review and follow-up framework. The foundational course equips participants with a sound understanding of the concept of sustainable development as well as the vision and principles of Agenda 2030. It explores the three pillars of sustainable development while taking a look at the inter-linkages between climate change, planetary boundaries, social inclusion and human rights. It also identifies key lessons from the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and the significant differences in the new agenda.
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America is the world’s richest large economy, with the world’s leading technologies and institutions of higher learning. Yet, the United States of America (U.S.) is falling behind other countries on a...
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In order to meet Belgium's international commitments, Wallonia is committed to implementing the Program and monitoring progress in this area. The Action Plan for the 2nd Walloon Sustainable Develo...