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Partnerships for SDGs


Partnership for SDGs is an online platform that provides global engagement for sharing knowledge and expertise for multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments from all stakeholders devoted to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. It intends to function as a tool to inform all stakeholders on initiatives carried out by multi-stakeholder partnerships in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and for linking progress of those initiatives to various follow-up mechanisms of the 2030 Agenda.

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Related Publications

New Urban Agenda

Available in English

The New Urban Agenda represents a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future – one in which all people have equal rights and access to the benefits and opportunities that cities can offer,...

Developed by UN Habitat

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Sustainable Development Goals Report Provinces 2017. Adaptation process.

Available in English

The adoption of the SDGs as a roadmap is an essential tool for government management planning and a facilitator of the coordination and articulation of public policies between the Nation and jurisdict...

Developed by Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Polí...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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