This guide introduces Monitoring Human Settlements Indicators . Making progress in Monitoring of SDG 11 is crucial in ensuring the success of the SDG framework. It is therefore necessary to identify and apply specific, measurable and action-oriented methods and approaches for localizing implementation of SDG. SDG 11 contains ten targets: seven are outcome-oriented and three are process-oriented. The latest targets and associated indicators, as listed by IAEG-SDGs are presented in the guide. We encourage member states to begin monitoring efforts at a level in line with their national capacity and available resources, and apply flexible methodologies, for which the concept of progressive monitoring steps is useful. Significant opportunities for combining various methods and data sources, including using direct measurements, surveys, remote-sensing measurements, estimates and literature reviews to enhance their statistical capacities and tapping into new and non-traditional sources.
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Provides an inspirational overview of the UN Global Compact’s multi-year journey to “Make Global Goals Local Business” by driving awareness and responsible business action to support the achievement o...
Developed by United Nations Global Compact
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences
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While all SDGs are, to some extent, related to Fair Trade, Fair Trade is particularly relevant to the goal on sustainable consumption and production and how this goal can serve to achieve eight other...
Developed by United Nations Conference on Trade and D...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Territorial / Multi-Stakeholder Approach