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Better Policies for Sustainable Development 2016 A New Framework for Policy Coherence


This report introduces a screening tool called the Framework for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It aims to provide practical support to any government interested in adapting its institutional mechanisms, policy making processes and practices to implement the SDGs in a coherent manner. The document forms part of the OECD's strategic response to the SDGs and comprises a proposal for policy makers to achieve policy coherence in the Agenda 2030. The Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD) Framework provides guidance to (i) identify policy coherence issues, (ii) align institutional mechanisms and (iii) track progress on PCSD. Although it can be used for many topics, the document focuses on tackling three main issues: food security, illicit financial flows and green growth. As well, it provides an overview of the efforts of 18 countries to adapt the 2030 Agenda to their national strategies.

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