This educational guide presents the detailed content of a teaching dedicated to education for citizenship and international solidarity initially proposed school Hilaire de Chardonnet in Chalon-sur-Saône (Burgundy, France). It is based on the national program of teaching exploration of Economic and Social Sciences (SES) proposed in highschool, he reinterprets the theme of specific means and methods. Enriched by many useful tools and resources for teachers, this guide is based on a plurality of stories (researchers, professionals, association leaders, teachers). Primarily for teachers of SES, this guide is also for all secondary teachers who wish to address new themes related to ODD. An inspiring initiative to promote openness to the world and citizenship. A free download from:
Available in Français
Este Libro Blanco de Democracia y Participación ciudadana quiere ser una propuesta compartida para la generación de valor público responsable en Euskadi. Por coherencia con este objetivo, hemos constr...
Developed by Eusko Jaurlariza - Gobierno Vasco
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Territorial / Multi-Stakeholder Approach
Available in Français
Policy Coherence to advance towards a more human and sustainable development is a challenge for all governments and administrations, from which the Basque Government cannot absent itself. The Basque G...
Developed by Basque Government- Gobierno Vasco- Eusko...
Posted by Camila De
Tools : Strategies and Plans