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SDGs at the Subnational Level: Regional Governments in the Voluntary National Reviews.

Case studies and best practices

The report SDGs at the Subnational Level: Regional Governments in the Voluntary National Reviews is the result of a consultation with 12 regional governments and associations, spanning from eight out of the total 44 countries presenting Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) in the 2017 High-level Political Forum (HLPF). The report highlights important findings and recommendations on how regional governments have been and should be included in the national reviews on the SDGs. It also introduces interesting considerations on regional governments can be enabled to play its potential as drivers of the implementation, but also of the monitoring, follow-up and review of the SDGs. Whether it is through the collaboration and alignment with the national strategies, or through their own plans and projects, the SDGs can only be achieved at the subnational level with the direct support and contribution of regional governments.

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