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SDG Indicators Global Database


This platform provides access to data compiled through the UN System in preparation for the Secretary-General's annual report on "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals". The data series identified by the symbol SD correspond to the revised global indicator framework that was agreed by the Statistical Commission at its forty-eigth session in March 2017. Additional series are identified by the symbol + . The development of this global SDG database dissemination platform is an ongoing process led by the United Nations Statistics Division, and it will continue to be further improved over time.

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Related Publications

Valuing the SDGs for Localization in Patiala, India

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The Community Systems Foundation’s OpenCities Institute worked with the City of Patiala in Punjab, India to develop a proof-of-concept city-level SDG data system, demonstrating the simplicity, feasibi...

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Case studies and best practices

ICLEI SDGs Briefing Sheets: 04 - The importance of all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for cities and communities

Available in English

The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that global development issues, including poverty and hunger, will not be solved without leadership. A dedicated goal (SDG 11) focused...

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Concept notes and papers

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