Concept notes and papers
Realizing the vision of the 2030 Agenda is more than just meeting its goals and targets. It ultimately requires changing the structures that generate inequality and poverty to ensure that no one is left behind. “Transformative localization” of the SDGs—that is, meeting diverse needs and transforming economic, social, and political structures at the local level in an inclusive, democratic and sustainable way—is crucial. Enterprises and organizations of the social and solidarity economy are attracting increasing attention from policy makers and practitioners as important players in processes of localizing the SDGs. This policy brief identifies some key factors for transformative localization, links them to SSE, and highlights related opportunities and challenges.
Available in English
The Roadmap for localizing SDGs is a tool for local governments to participate and strengthen their role in the achievement of the SDGs in Asia Pacific. This short document provides key figures, exa...
Developed by United Cities and Local Governments Asia...
Posted by UCLG ASPAC
Tools : Raising Awareness
Available in English
Companies have been striving for sustainability to occupy a central place in their corporate strategies, their decision-making processes and their governance. The SDGs provide us with a new vision tha...
Developed by World Business Council for Sustainable D...
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences