Concept notes and papers , Available in Français Español
The current report picks up where 'A Million Voices' left off, and looks in more depth at the factors within each country that will support or impede implementation. A set of Dialogues has been exploring these factors and are still capturing ideas around these six topics: Localising the post-2015 development agenda, Helping to strengthen capacities and build effective institutions, Participatory Monitoring for Accountability, Partnerships with civil society, Engaging with the Private Sector and Culture and development.
Available in English Français Español
Although they have been adopted by national governments, the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are fundamentally relevant to local and city level actors. This briefing sheet documen...
Developed by Local Governments for Sustainability (IC...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in English Français Español
This monograph entitled “Asian Innovations in Financing Sustainable Urban Development ” is an initial attempt to document and share with the Asian cities and local governments, a range of initiatives...