Guidance and systemization of experiences
The GPS Guide is offered as a training material for municipal managers and civil society organizations of Brazilian cities, to support them in the implementation of plans and identification of indicators of goals that address sustainable development. The Platform is built based in open standards and free software technologies and the training programs are offered with no cost to municipalities and civil society organizations alike; at the moment of the publication of the guide, 283 Brazilian municipalities have joined the Programme, including 22 capital cities, meaning a population of more than 67 million people which represents 33% of the national population, according to IBGE´s Projection.
Available in English
This document presents the final report of the adaptation process of the Sustainable Development Goal 16 "Peace, justice and solid institutions" (SDG 16) in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA)...
Developed by Secretaría General y Relaciones Internac...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
In this publication, UNDP presents the status of the location of the 2030 Agenda at the subnational level in Mexico. In particular, it seeks to systematize the installation and operationalization proc...
Developed by Programa de las Naciones Unidas en Méxic...
Posted by Stephan Visser
Guidance and systemization of experiences