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Progressing national SDGs implementation: Experiences and recommendations from 2016

Guidance and systemization of experiences

The participation of civil society and all relevant stakeholders is a key element of successful monitoring and review at the HLPF. These shadow reports are a vital accountability tool, providing an objective view of countries’ progress towards the SDGs by challenging and verifying countries’ claims. In order to inform future implementation and reporting on Agenda 2030 by both governments and civil society, this report aims to: • Provide an overview of a selection of national reviews presented at the 2016 HLPF and equivalent civil society reports • Share examples of best practice • Make recommendations for country and civil society reporting under the follow-up and review of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs • Make recommendations for future revisions of the Secretary-General’s voluntary reporting guidelines. Localizing the SDGs is part of the recommendations of some countries and is highlighted in the report's analysis.

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