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Integrating the SDGs into policy planning - context analysis


Local governments can structure their policy planning around the SDGs. The policy planning process gives perspective and sets priority lines at a local level for the coming policy term. But it also provides momentum to organisational development. The SDGs offer a unique angle to realise this and boost the quality of an integrated policy plan. This document arose from the need for inspiration to pick up the SDGs during the policy planning. A first step in the new policy planning cycle in Flanders is the context analysis (developed during 2018-2019), which gives an overview of the current state of affairs in the municipality with regard to, amongst others, demography, economy, social and technological features. This document presents 5 scenarios to integrate the SDGs in the context analysis. This inspiration memo is part of a broader process in which VVSG together with the SDG pilot municipalities check how we can structurally anchor the SDGs in the municipal policy.

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