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Urban Targets and Indicators


The Urban targets and indicators provides information on targets and indicators of SDG 11, as well as its interlinkages with other SDGs. Furthermore, it can be found on the navigation panel a case study of the subnational data landscape in Japan and the Philippines.

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Related Publications

Setting the Scene in Asia for SDGs Implementation at Local Level: Focus on SDG 8 – Local Economic Development

Available in English

This publication is a culmination of presentations,  discussions, and lessons learned during UCLG’s “Regional Workshop on SDG Learning Agenda for Local Government in the context of South-South and Tri...

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Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Engaging with the Private Sector in the Post-2015 Agenda

Available in English

This report is based on a global public consultations held from April-August 2014. It contains the contributions, suggestions and recommendations on how to engage the private sector on development str...

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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