This online Guide is a practical instrument to assist local governments and a wide array of stakeholders to design, implement and monitor anti-corruption projects at local government level. This process includes: corruption risk assessments; development of integrity plans; and implementation of integrity management systems. The Guide will strengthen the capacity of those working in the local government sector to effectively manage integrity risks and increase organisational resilience to integrity violations, and thus enable local governments to deliver robust and efficient public services. Importantly, it provides practical information and practice-based tools to support and strengthen transparency, effectiveness, efficiency and accountability in local government processes in four important ways: First, the Guide provides users with vital background information to enhance their knowledge on the concept of local government integrity, the opportunities for integrity violations, and their relationship to integrity management. Second, it presents a range of adaptive tools (methodologies) and examples to lead anti-corruption practitioners to identify, analyse and evaluate integrity risks in their own contexts. Third, it advises on how to carry out effective integrity planning by enabling users to design, implement and monitor integrity plans that address integrity risks with the most adequate and appropriate risk treatment measures. Fourth, it instructs on how to sustain and improve an integrity management system (IMS) on local government level, that meets integrity commitments and aims.
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Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
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Developed by United Nations Department of Economic an...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Guidance and systemization of experiences