Case studies and best practices
Business is central to the 2030 Agenda envisioned and articulated by all 193 UN member states. While governments need to put the right goals, plans and policies in place it is the private sector that will need to deliver its share of the resources, the innovative ideas, the scalable solutions and the skills that we so desperately need to turn this vision into a reality. Global Compact Local Networks uniquely offer opportunities for businesses and other types of organizations to engage on the Sustainable Development Goals based on international standards and global leadership practices, while focused on national challenges and priorities in collaboration with other local actors. It is through these Local Networks that we can truly make the Global Goals Local Business. With this publication, we aim to demonstrate how our Global Compact Local Networks can help accelerate action and collaboration to close the gaps between where we currently are and where we need to be by 2030.
Available in English
Folding presentation of the new Development Agenda 2030 and the contribution of Ecuador to achieve the ODS
Available in English
This report highlights the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It particularly illustrates how the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG11) can be integrated with the New Urban Agenda (NUA). It...